Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Trying to Find a Rhythm

I am trying to take the lessons I have learned in my Breathe Bible Study to heart  None of the principals are things that are new to me.  Well, there are a few things that were new for sure. 

Did you ever notice in the Creation Story that each thing in creation is divided in to two parts?  Days 1-3 was the creation of habitats.  Days 4-6A was creation of the things to fill those habitats.  Day 6 B was set apart for creation of Man and Woman where we were giving dominion over all of it and were told to answer to God.  Knowing how much that would entail, God THEN gave us specific instructions on Sabbath margin.    I will try to go to more detail on this section at a later date, just know that I found this really interesting.  I have studied the Creation Story my whole life, after all that is one of the favorite lessons in children's Sunday school lessons all the way up to adult lessons, but I never saw this before. 

One of the things I am trying to do in my own personal life to observe the principals I have learned, or relearned is that I am basically lazy.  My house and office have overwhelmed me for years now and I am frankly very tired of cleaning up after other people who don't feel the need to, so I just quit. 
Because of the amount of stuff that is "ruling over me" instead of the other way around, I have found it hard to find the joy I should have in my life.  After all, I am a Daughter of the Most High and I was giving dominion over all the stuff around me. If I cant get the work done I need to get done at my office because it takes longer to organize a space to do that work in than I have in the day, then something needs to change.   If I cant come into my own home and sit down on the couch to watch a movie at the end of the day because I have to "spring clean" the couch to even get TO it?  There is way too much stuff in this house.  Part of having dominion over your environment is to clean out those things that don't belong there.  It isn't going to happen over night and I am going to have to fight hard to guard the spaces that peace returns to. 

It is time to make my two environments fit the use they are serving at this time, not something that was 5 or 10 or 30 years ago, but NOW. 

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