Monday, March 18, 2013

New Direction: By me; for me.

Stardate:  3.18.2013.6am

   I still believe beyond doubt that no man is an island; however at this point, the direction of this blog will be changing.  As of today, this blog is focused by me for me to keep me on track. 

Monday, Up at 4:30 coffee on and washer and dryer started.  I have to continue on with the laundry that I was not able to complete over the weekend.  I have most of 3 loads folded and put away so far but I have run out of hangers so until the boys are up I cant finish hanging those things up.  I have the sheets off the bed in to wash since I had REALLY intended to have that done yesterday but did not get to it.  The exciting part is tonight will be clean sheet night.. No DOG HAIR....

I am also trying to break ozzy of the habit of getting up on the bed in the night.  That will help with the dog hair in the bed as well.  

The house continues to be a wreck but I have devised an idea this morning that I hope will help.  If I set the timer for even 10 minutes at a time, I can make somewhat of a difference in the house over time.  If I start front to back I can start while the coffee is "making" in the morning even if I forget to set the timer on the pot at night. 

4:40-4:50 Livingroom,
4:50-5:00 Diningroom
5:00-5:10 Kitchen
5:10-5:20 Laundry Room
5:20-5:40 Back bathroom
5:40-6:00 Master Bedroom

Somewhere after that I should be able to just run through the front bathroom to keep it going as well.  Today I will both mentally and physically prepare for this new pattern to be established.  I will also be "decluttering" during these 10 minute forays into organization. 

I am really hoping that doing this will free up my weekends to outside tasks:  Painting the outside of the house, Gardening, yard care, cleaning and organizing the garage and storage room. 

Now, add to the first list.  Sheets  through the washer, dryer and now on the bed.  That makes 4 loads that I have folded and put away for this day another load in the dryer driving, and the last load for the day in the washer.  Blueberry muffins baked and out of the oven, dishwasher loaded, dishes washed and unloaded.  Meat cooked to be ready for fajitas for dinner tonight.  I have to go to the store and get tortillas, guacamole, onions, sour cream and maybe something else, but not sure.

Now, I have an hour till time to leave for work so I believe I will start coffee, pot 2, have a cup of yogurt and a couple blueberry muffins and listen to a lesson on the Old Testament. 

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