Saturday, February 1, 2014

How do you start your day?

That is the question of the day on my Linked In today.  Here are some of the answers. 

Always.. ALWAYS start your day with the following question: What can possibly go wrong? The way you ask yourself that question will dictate how your day will follow. Ask it like a CNN news show, or as they do on "Mythbusters". If you ask like CNN.. and complain and fret about the problem? Or like the latter and say "this is a new problem.. awesome!" The choice is completely up to you.

I have however begun to do as some of the writers suggested and making a list.

I bought some really neat Expo Neon dry erase markers.   Made a list of things I need to check off EVERY Day when I get to work and then have a separate area for what needs to be done TODAY. 
I am trying to update the list of work just before I go home for the day so it is (mostly) there when I arrive in the morning.  Then I add anything that has come up over night to it. 

I have made this work for 4 days now which is certainly NOT a habit yet but it seems to be helping things out.  As well as for myself, others in my office can see what I need to be doing and either discuss additions with me or finds someone else to do the task. 

This weekend, I plan to begin implementing the same structure at home.  Little at a time, we are going to "downsize" certain things so the important ones can come to the forefront. 

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