I have realized something in the last few days. Blogging has changed the way some of us view the world around is. Or at the very least the way we interact with the world around us.
I have gone through the blogs that I PERSONALLY follow and have come to realize that there are certain confusing qualities about them. Not of the blogs themselves, you understand, but my reaction to them.
In years much gone by, I read "The Little House" series of books, several anyway. I read mystery books such as the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew. I read many history books, and a great deal of various kinds of non-fiction works over the years.
Now, I realize that I am reading many of the blogs that I follow with the same attitude. Its as if they are books, published to give information. Im not saying that the people who write from their own lives are writing fiction. I know that they are not. But somehow, even those who write about lifestyles much like my own, seem to be so removed. Even the people who are in geography close to me have their own involved lives and are as good as far away. It is almost as if I could be reading something put out by the person who lives right next door to me and unless I noticed from pictures or events, I might just never know it.
I think it has become too very easy for us to loose sight of the "realities" of each other and we miss things that create deep feelings in another person or we project our own feelings on to the "characters" we are reading about. It is simply too easy to get wrapped up in our own little lives, and maybe we just forget to really communicate to those actually close to us.
I have been stepping back and trying to see where maybe I have thought of someone close to me as if they were really far away. Or even someone far away as if they were really just a fictional character. I follow several people who live countries away. Their lives are very interesting to me as they are so different, while appearing to be similar. It is interesting for me to see the choices that people make when faced with similar circumstances and to see those choices play out several years later. Sometimes these people have made choices to make the circumstances the way they are, and others have been faced with circumstances beyond their control that required choices to be made from there forward. I truly do enjoy learning about people far different from myself and I hope that there might just be a few people around who thought I might have something to share as well. I am sure there are far more people for me to learn from as I am really a pretty simple person who does not play many games.
I hope that the people I follow have people that they in tern follow as there is a big world out there.
From today on, I plan to remember that these are real people, with real stories to tell. It would be GREAT to have coffee with several of the people I follow and just talk, if space were not an issue.
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