Monday, February 17, 2014

So, I Dont Drink

So, I don't drink, and this is an issue that has bothered me for a very long time. 
Why would something like that bother you, you might ask.

     Life long it seems, I have made this choice pretty much.  Don't get me wrong, I have tried,  REALLY Tried.

    There are a few alcoholic beverages that I like for a little while.. Maybe even to get through a whole one, but mostly I like it for say half, and then the rest I could take or leave. 

     When I was a teenager, of course I did what most teens do.  I pushed the envelope. I hung out with the "cowboy kinda group" so beer it was.. but everyone knew my dad and thought they would be dead if anyone would have been traced to actually LETTING me have any.  It was a huge game to begin with to keep me from even TOUCHING THE BOTTLE as they passed it around.  Then there was that concert that we went to.  I was the youngest one there, all the others in the group were of age and probably my boyfriend didn't really want anyone to know I was as young as I was if the truth be told, so the drinks just kept on coming.  I honestly have no idea how we got home that night alive as we had to drive mountain roads that were normally full of elk that time of year.  I don't remember most of the trip but I DO remember how awful I felt the next morning.   For a long time however, the stories of that night were "epic" among the group. Laughter was all around. "Remember when we>>>>"
      In my first year and a half of college I hung out with some people, (including one of my professors) who seemed to me to be very "cultured", to my 18 year old self,  as they drank scotch and gin and refined whiskey.  They had fun playing games with me and several other of the younger members of our group.  I seemed to be the best at the game, as I could pick Chevas Regal out of the line up from a blind taste test with a great deal of accuracy, and then later I could tell you the brand name of almost any whiskey I was given from not more than 2 sips. Yep, that is how we would spend our evenings.  I generally 'liked' sweeter drinks, and was told that was because of my childish pallet. Yep, as long as I played the game, they liked me.  I was also available to drive people home who were in no condition to drive themselves home and check on them the next day to make sure they were still alive.  That, also, kept people from asking me what was wrong with ME.. if I chose not to drink with them.  For a long time however, the stories about those times were ,Epic, among that group.   Laughter was all around... "Hey, remember when we>>>>>>>>"
This brings me to the later part of my college and a couple of years after. The group of people we were friends with at that time enjoyed getting together frequently.  We ate really good food (well, the best that could be found on a college students budget) and good wine... and beer... (cheap wine now I know... and dark beer)  That group favored Killians Red and other Irish ales which I didn't like but could get down Lowenbrau Dark.  This kept people from asking me what was wrong with ME if I chose not to drink with them.  To begin with at least, these were my husbands friends and (drumroll please)  I really wanted them to like me... and as long as I would participate and laugh at the stories later on of 'remember when This happened.. and this person did that thing. and laugh and laugh and laugh' they did.  And lets see,
 During that phase, I was nearly always available to drive people home who were in no condition to drive home.  I was also SUPPOSED to sympathize with them the next day when they had contracted some kind of stomach bug and were puking their guts up and had body aches and chills and just felt generally cruddy... Sherry: "mmm yeah, you don't have the flu".  Others: " Well aren't YOU bitchy today. Have you no compassion at all? What's wrong with you?" Guess they really didn't like me that much.
     This brings us to the next phase of my life, my family did some bonding and were members of a bowling league here in town.  My mom and dad bowled on a team with some of their friends and my husband at that time and I bowled with my brother and his wife.   The bowling alley  had a bar kind of next door but connected  so my brother and sister in law had "refreshments" while they bowled.  That is when I was introduced to strawberry daiquiris.  Yes, I would drink one during our bowling time... while she drank 4-5. And then we would laugh and laugh about how "everyone's game just seemed to fall apart... Something must be wrong with this ball it keeps hitting the gutter!!!!!!!! Yes, I pretty much liked it.  But again.. one... and maybe 3/4s of it.  Why, you might ask did you drink it then?  This was my brothers wife and I kinda liked her.. and I really wanted her to like me.  What generally happened was, I was available to drive people home who were in no condition to drive themselves home.  But the fun part seemed to be when someone would say.. "Hey, Remember when so and so did that????????"   Laughter all around and the stories go around the table.
Since that point in life I decided to just really stand up and tell people don't waste your money on stuff for me to drink, I am just fine with iced tea.  But I have been told that I was wrong, I MUST like something, and continued to be challenged until I finally said here.. buy what ever flavor of wine coolers YOU like as I will be leaving 3 of them in your fridge... I have been told I was disrespectful to not drink anything at this occasion... I have been told that I was LYING (why would I?)  I have been told that by choosing to NOT drink I was judging all those around me who were. 
 I have also generally realized that while I TELL people that there are things I like to drink...strawberry daiquiris for example I really dont mean it.  I have kept the same frozen package of daiquiris mix in my freezer for now 3 year thinking.. someday I am going to make these and drink the whole pitcher myself.... ummm yeah its probably freezer burned beyond belief by now right? 

     Now, don't get me wrong, I am not an teetotaler.  I have a bottle of Jack Daniels in my cabinet nearly all the time because sometimes there just isn't a cough medicine out there that works like a single hot toddy does to cut the crap in your throat and get you some sleep.  I have even been known to keep a bottle of rum around for the occasional hot buttered rum on a cold night.  The interesting thing is that I may drink one maybe 2 of those and then eat the rest of the "batter" straight out of the fridge by the spoon full. 
     I even found that I like a couple other things that I have been known to keep in the house to mix in with my Italian sodas, just to add to the flavor I am already making.  But WHY do I do those things? 
Because I'm supposed to.  If I ever have anything to drink outside of home its because someone has pushed me to do it and I dont want it to be an issue so I do it. To this day.. that's the answer. Because I dont want to be laughed at or to be told I am judging those around me by my lack of joining in.  Peer Pressure at MY AGE??? REALLY??

     I was watching TV over the weekend and there is a commercial that Im not even sure what is for.  Has to do with the new computer thingy that you can talk to.. and it being in your car... womans voice that you ask to do things for you.. The man asks for it to read him his text messages... Starts out with a friend telling him how much fun they had last night Duuuuudddeeeee..... next one asks him if he ever found his pants.... the 3d one he shuts off in the middle of it reading to him... I cant believe you got a tattoo there....... his wife/girlfriend... is just looking on at his embarrasement.  But you know that these are stories that are going to be told far and wide about the fantastic time they had.  Laughter abounds.

     So after all these years of living life, I have realized that the biggest thing that bothers me is the camaraderie that seems to go with it .... When the stories start around a table.. and it gets to me.... All I can say is... HEY HEY GUYS... there was this time... when I stayed completely straight, and Nothing stupid happened.... and I remember it all...But its ok.  I drove everyone home...... Now Everyone laugh!!!!!!!!  Hummm I guess that is why I come off as judgmental.  My story just isn't very funny or entertaining now is it.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Blogging has changed the world,

I have realized something in the last few days.  Blogging has changed the way some of us view the world around is. Or at the very least the way we interact with the world around us. 

I have gone through the blogs that I PERSONALLY follow and have come to realize that there are certain confusing qualities about them.  Not of the blogs themselves, you understand, but my reaction to them. 

In years much gone by, I read "The Little House" series of books, several anyway.  I read mystery books such as the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew.  I read many history books, and a great deal of various kinds of non-fiction works over the years.  

Now, I realize that I am reading many of the blogs that I follow with the same attitude.  Its as if they are books, published to give information.  Im not saying that the people who write from their own lives are writing fiction.  I know that they are not.  But somehow, even those who write about lifestyles much like my own, seem to be so removed. Even the people who are in geography close to me have their own involved lives and are as good as far away.  It is almost as if I could be reading something put out by the person who lives right next door to me and unless I noticed from pictures or events, I might just never know it. 

I think it has become too very easy for us to loose sight of the "realities" of each other and we miss things that create deep feelings in another person or we project our own feelings on to the "characters" we are reading about.  It is simply too easy to get wrapped up in our own little lives, and maybe we just forget to really communicate to those actually close to us. 

I have been stepping back and trying to see where maybe I have thought of  someone close to me as if they were really far away. Or even someone far away as if they were really just a fictional character.  I follow several people who live countries away.  Their lives are very interesting to me as they are so different, while appearing to be similar.  It is interesting for me to see the choices that people make when faced with similar circumstances and to see those choices play out several years later.  Sometimes these people have made choices to make the circumstances the way they are, and others have been faced with circumstances beyond their control that required choices to be made from there forward.  I truly do enjoy learning about people far different from myself and I hope that there might just be a few people around who thought I might have something to share as well.  I am sure there are far more people for me to learn from as I am really a pretty simple person who does not play many games. 

I hope that the people I follow have people that they in tern follow as there is a big world out there.

From today on, I plan to remember that these are real people, with real stories to tell.  It would be GREAT to have coffee with several of the people I follow and just talk, if space were not an issue.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Small Business Financial Management Kit for Dummies Day 1

Book Two, Chapter 2
The controller is the profit and loss scorekeeper for your business. 

Next up.  Learning how to read, interpret and write Profit and Loss Statements

We need a business model.  We currently don't have one as I am just learning what that really truly is. 

This book talks about a business model for a business that sells goods or merchandise.  I quote:

    "Your basic business model is to sell a volume of products at adequate markups over their cost to cover operating expenses so that you generate a satisfactory profit after your interest and income tax expenses. "

Ok we are more of a service based company.  Really either of the trucking companies so here goes.  Our basic business model is to transport goods at a rate adequate to cover the cost of transportation and other operating expenses so that we generate a satisfactory profit after our interest and income tax expenses. 

Note to self.  Look up and read the first age of the annual federal income tax re
turn for the businesses that have been going for more than 4 months.  as this reports the p&L from that business as reported to the IRS

Operating expenses include salaries, and wages, and make up the lion's share of the operation expenses.  As well we need to see advertising and other sales promotion costs. 

What is the long term operation assets of Oasis?  machines, trucks and equipment for instance recorded as depreciation expenses. 

What items are listed in the catchall expense account?  What can the new business consider as machines, equipment and trucks?  What goes in that catchall account?  What does not qualify?

Who has interest expense?  Only S & D?  as they have the loan?

Who is going to have income tax expense and who will have pass through?

Ok that is 20 pages of the next book, my eyes are foggy ad I have enough questions for the morning.. and now Good Night

Book ONE Complete

Shark Tank Jump Start Your Business is now complete.  I need to read it again and actually do the things they suggest in it but honestly, its too hard at the moment with what else I have in front of me. 

In Chapter 2 there is a quiz that they ask you to take to give yourself an idea of whether or not you are cut out for this... I scored I think 4 out of a possible 40 points.  And then I cried. 

There are some things in the book that have been very DIFINITELY helpful to me as I am trying to find my way in this very overgrown pathway.  For the moment, I am trying to focus on those things. 

So I am going to put it down for a short while before I come back and go through it with a finer toothed comb and move on to my next "classes" 

Those are:

Saturday, February 1, 2014

How do you start your day?

That is the question of the day on my Linked In today.  Here are some of the answers. 

Always.. ALWAYS start your day with the following question: What can possibly go wrong? The way you ask yourself that question will dictate how your day will follow. Ask it like a CNN news show, or as they do on "Mythbusters". If you ask like CNN.. and complain and fret about the problem? Or like the latter and say "this is a new problem.. awesome!" The choice is completely up to you.

I have however begun to do as some of the writers suggested and making a list.

I bought some really neat Expo Neon dry erase markers.   Made a list of things I need to check off EVERY Day when I get to work and then have a separate area for what needs to be done TODAY. 
I am trying to update the list of work just before I go home for the day so it is (mostly) there when I arrive in the morning.  Then I add anything that has come up over night to it. 

I have made this work for 4 days now which is certainly NOT a habit yet but it seems to be helping things out.  As well as for myself, others in my office can see what I need to be doing and either discuss additions with me or finds someone else to do the task. 

This weekend, I plan to begin implementing the same structure at home.  Little at a time, we are going to "downsize" certain things so the important ones can come to the forefront.