Thursday, January 1, 2015

Personal Mission Statement Part 1

I will have my personal mission statement completed by the end of the month.  Who am I and what do I want to achieve.  Ala Dave Ramsey's Mission Statement Worksheet. 

Actually step one is probably the hardest part of all of this for me. So if anyone wanted to add things to this step with me, let me know. 

Step 1:  Your skills and abilities
List your skills and abilities in the space provided.  Examples include:  organization, teaching, planning, system development, musical talent. 

Ok first of all I finally looked up system development to find out exactally what that was and yeah, I am NOT in any way good at that.  But now I have a definition and picture of what I NEED to be good at on that one. 

I am a crafty person, I listen pretty well, most of the time, I cook well, I am very concerned about the people around me and their well being.

I am very adaptable as far as fitting in to other peoples  methods of doing things.  I am good at helping other people achieve their dreams. 

I read,

I USED to be good at teaching but I am not so sure I am any more.

Step 2 Your Personality Traits: list your personality traits in the space provided  Examples include: creative,  theoretical, studious, analytical, expressive, verbal, adventurous, dominant, cheerful, playful, solemn, outgoing, logical.
This one is probably the easiest for me
creative, verbal, solemn, loyal to a fault, reserved, rooted, studious, concerned but not necessarily compassionate.  I see the best that other people CAN be.  I get disappointed fairly easily though. 
I harbor guilt when I shouldn't, I try to be logical and see to the other side of the box before I make a decision. 

Step 3:  Your values, dreams, and passions:  List your values, dreams, and passions  in the space provided. 
values I know pretty well,  I can sort of tell you what I feel passionate about anymore but dreams, That is the sticking point for me. 

I am passionate about my family, about other people being passionate about THIER families, I am passionate about my faith.  I am passionate about those I care about achieving their goals and doing all they are capable of doing. 

Values?   Honesty, openness, accountability,  activeness is apparently a value, and I value being active and the people around me being active
alertness, yeah sure
This list I am looking at includes amazement and amusement  Yeah amazement..... "Something AMAZING I guess.... yeah that fits.
amusement.  You better be prepared for my strange sense of humor.  I never know when it is going to jump out and grab someone.
BALANCE!!!!  Oh My Gosh yes I guess I DO value that
Credibility  Dependability  Drive, Ethics  Faith Family Fierceness  Yeah I think that is something I value

Now as for dreams.  I can tell you the dreams I have for everyone else, but as for my own?  Who even knows.
So, giving my writing a little more time to gel and sink in, if there are things anyone who knows me thinks about adding?  let me know.

Step 4:  My personal Mission Statement

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