Sunday, October 27, 2013

Hows Retirement?

I keep running in to situations where people ask me variations on this question,  How's Retirement? 
The question may be "So, how is it having your husband around all the time?"  Or "Are you getting all the things done that he hasn't had time for the last few years?  You know, the retirement Honey Do List?"  And the most fun question to me seems to be, " Are you tired of him being underfoot yet?" 
I know that HE keeps getting questions about what its like to not have to get up every morning, and what its like to have "nuthin to do."  
So let me start with a picture from the official Retirement Party!!!
Then, let me continue by saying that retirement is a blast!!   Yep, he doesn't HAVE to get up at 6:00 every morning.  He has generally been waking up around 5:30 most mornings voluntarily.   As for sitting around, yes there has been some of that.  Sitting in his pickup truck on the way to Santa Fe, or Albuquerque to file for CRS Numbers, IFTA permits, HAZMAT Certificates, checking "load Boards".  Sitting around on the ground beside the tanker while learning how to change the breaks. 
The questions about me having him hanging around.  Boy, I couldn't even begin to keep up with the paperwork and the phone calls and just trying to get this show off the ground and organized if I DIDNT have him hanging around to show me what I was doing.  Just looking up from my desk and seeing him through the window in his office is wonderful.  Watching him walk in the back door from "the yard", hands greasy up to his elbows is a great sight.  Grabbing a quick lunch together before we head back to the office to start again.  Nope not tired of him hanging around at all. 
As for getting around to the things we haven't done in the last few years around home?  Who is home long enough to know?   Yes, there are items on the list that we are going to get to this year.  And I know that we will get to them to make this place the best "get away in this part of the world"  Just today is not that day. 
What you might ask is taking up all of our newly retired time?????  
Here is a glimpse.  The two on the left are from the business that we already manage for my mom.  The two on the right are our new business.  There is one more semi tractor,  two tankers, three flat beds and an asphalt tanker in the mix.  
I enjoy photography anyway, but having new subjects to work with is a challenge and a half.  Here we have 909 and 606 looking away from the setting sun.
909. 606 "The Pee" and the International
playing around for me and just having some fun.

And the last but not least of my fun pictures,  Jonathan,  The Retired Guy!!! 

And just a fun shot closer up of two of the trucks. If you look closely you can see the company names on both of them.  What an amazing ride!!!!

So, just out of curiosity,  What does retirement mean in your world? 

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