Saturday, April 13, 2013

Garden 2013 so far.

I cannot believe that my parsley, sage, rosemary and...............CHIVES  weathered the winter.
(You KNOW that song is stuck in your head for the rest of the day. 
Just add a little water and I have herbs ready to pick. 
Now, for the next picture, we had this home built shelf unit out in the workshop behind our store that came out to make room for some more "up to date" kind of storage.  I grabbed it before they could dismantle it and throw the "old rotten lumber" away.  It is now my "square foot garden like raised bed"  So far I have one type of lettuce, some spinach, 2 kinds of thyme.. (yep there is where the thyme is at, songs back isn't it) my absolute favorite herb...basil growing and I have planted kale and swis chard in the 2 bigger spaces as well that is starting to come up!!!!
This weekend oregano, chocolate mint, and several other things will get planted and will keep adding until it is filled up.
 My other raised beds are slowly coming together as well, here you see broccoli, and collard greens, one green bell pepper that I think froze the other night and some yellow squash that Im not sure if is going to make it after the wind storm we had. 
 This weekend the "wind/sun breaks get put up and I cant wait to share pictures of that when I get done

 2 tomato plants

 This is one more tomato and then the potatoes that came up from last year when I didn't get any.
The next picture is of the new things we bought asparagus, chocolate mint, oregano, okra and ummmm something else that is there.

Today I got the things in the flat planted in the ground and got seeds in for pole beans, beets, radishes, and 2 more kinds of greens for salads.  Oh and besides the 3 okra plants I planted more seeds as well.  Cant wait to start harvesting.  I need to also get some squash type plants in.  What a great day.  I will add pictures of the wind breaks when I can get them up.

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