I'm not sure if I am the only one to feel this way, but some days there are just things that happen that are challenging. When you have a day that several of those things happen in a short period of time, it tends to make you think.
What I think tonight is that when you are faced with BIG challenges in life, you know the ones that are just Black Or White, its pretty easy to take a stand and believe what you believe. Ask most people what they believe to be their truth about abortion, for instance. Generally speaking the answer is going to boil down to "for it" or "against it". How about going to jail for committing a crime?Even when the topic is much grayer. Its pretty easy to have a general stance. Take being in this country with out permission. Is it Undocumented Immigration, Illegal Immigration or just Open the Doors and let em all in immigration.
Pick any number of other issues that are out there in the middle of society. We really are called every single day to take a stand on "the issues of our day".
But then there are other things that are much more private. Like each of our personal level of spirituality. So many choices out there in the cosmos. So many reasons for each persons belief system.
Today, I have been involved in three or four what I will call "challenging issues of the world close around me", none of which I feel at liberty to give details about tonight. What I can and will say is that each of those issues has challenged me today to examine my inner self. Do I REALLY believe what I say I believe? Do I really MODEL what I say I believe to the world around me? Can I really practice what I say I believe and TRULY MEAN IT?
For ME, Spirituality means a belief in the Saving Grace of the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Belief that a higher power called GOD is in charge of the world down to the most minute detail and DOES care about even the sparrow and the blades of grass, so must care about me even so much more. For me, that spirituality means a deep abiding belief that that same God is in charge of every single moment of every single day of every single person on this planet. He knows our days and He knows every single hair on our heads and has ONLY the best in mind for each of us if we accept that best. Most of all, He knows what has come before, what is now and what is to come and is right here by my side through it all.
For me, in this day called today, as each of these events and conversations that have taken place I have been challenged to think, are those words above TRULY What I do believe? Can I really say with confidence that NO MATTER what happens I believe that God is in charge and will care for me and those around me that also love Him?
Some days are more of a struggle than others, but even today, I HAVE to believe, If I didn't, what would be left.
The Bible also tells me to not take on Tomorrows worries before their time as today has enough of its own. That is easier said than done some times.
In times of trouble, I have always tended to close in on myself. I think that is probably because I learned to do that when I was 2. The thing is, even when I appear to withdraw into myself, I am really not, I don't think. I think I have finally realized that I am hiding under The Rock, from where my strength comes each and every day.
There are those out there who think that people who share my belief system are weak and feel the need to have a crutch. To those people I say, You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!!!! I am weak, and make mistakes, and need a crutch to lean on. That Crutch is the only thing that gets me out of bed some mornings. If YOU don't have that crutch, I cant help but wonder how you do it.
So not to make anything that has gone on today about me in any way, because it is not, I just try to figure out why I act and react the way I do in any given situation. And while nothing in this is about me at all, I know that My God, will hold me up so that I can help hold up others who have needs far greater than mine.
Enough preaching for one day.............. time to go practice it.