Saturday, June 21, 2014


Today, I begin my days with making my bed.  Sounds simple, and maybe for many it is.  There are many reasons that for me it has never been simple, but today, I strive to give myself at least one single task that gets COMPLETED.  I strive to give myself a reason to think that no matter what happened today, there was order and organization somewhere.  I strive to give myself a reason to believe that tomorrow will be better.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Feet and Their Outlook on Summer

Feet on the turtle tank. Feet at the beach.
Feet at the hot springs, Feet at the  "GREEK"

Feet buried in the sand, feet sneeking a peek
Shoes looking like feet. For feet not ready to share.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

If I squat down and look away, you cant see me

Have you ever known anyone who, maybe, you understood some things about them better than they understood themselves? 

Have you ever known anyone who suddenly and very completely removed their circle from the small place your circles intersected in your collective Venn Diagram? 

Have you ever watched this distance happen in a way that really didn't surprise you all that much because while you had  hoped better of the person, you really DID see it coming?  Maybe, even, more than that person did.

And then, when a chance encounter happened again, as you knew it would in a small town,  that same person, quite literally, tried to run, duck and hide?  

At least, it was entertaining.  And definitely gave me some things to think about. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Pages of Life are Turning

They say that everyones life is a series of chapters in The Book of His Life.  That means that each chapter has pages that turn day to day to reach from beginning to end of each chapter of that life.  So, that has led me to wonder lately. 

It makes sense that each persons book would have a different number of chapters and that means also that each persons chapters would also have different numbers of pages, right?  There are no two that are identical.  So my next question has to do with each of those pages. 

Lately, I have been paying attention to seeing my world from the eyes of those around me, more than I usually do, I guess. What has come to me, is that each page represents a twenty-four hour day.  and that's there the "sameness " leaves.  Each person has a different number of chapters, and each chapter contains a different number of pages.  BUT,  the number of words on each persons pages is different as well.  Now I do wonder what that difference stems from.   Do each of us use different fonts?  Or do each of us read our own lives at different paces?  Do some people include pictures on the pages, and some don't? 

I wonder about these things because I have had people over the years tell me in various different ways, that in their opinion that I should slow my world down. I was told at one point that I needed to learn to do things that were "fun" as the activities that I enjoyed when I was in what I considered "down time" were not fun,  things such as crocheting, and other crafting as they were solitary activities and didn't involve groups of people.   I have been told that I was hard to be friends with because of the unpredictability of my life.  I have even been told that they were sure God considered my life too fast paced.  That just scratches the surface of things I have been told over my 54 years that I SHOULD do with my life. 

When I have taken the time in the last few months to really look around, think about past and present, I find that all of those things may well be true, they may also be false,  and maybe, just maybe, God really HAS written the story of my life, and for what ever reason, the pages of my life simply have been written in a smaller font so that more words fit on each of my pages.  Maybe, just maybe, I AM where God wants me to be, and I AM doing what God sees fit for me to do and those critics in my world are wrong no matter if they are pretty sure they have a direct line to God and know what God has in store for me and those around me. 

I have a hard time explaining the pace of my world to those who have not seen.  But that is ok.  I still invite all who know me who might want to know more about me, should stop by the business and just watch me for a couple of days.